Welcome to RealSeries’s documentation!

RealSeries is a comprehensive out-of-the-box Python toolkit for various tasks, including Anomaly Detection, Granger causality and Forecast with Uncertainty, of dealing with Time Series Datasets.

RealSeries has the following features:

  • Unified APIs, detailed documentation, easy-to-follow examples and straightforward visualizations.

  • All-levels of models, including simple thresholds, classification-based models, and deep (Bayesian) models.


RealSeries supports Python 3 ONLY. See here to check why.

API Demo:

RealSeries uses the sklearn-style API and is as easy as

1# train the SR-CNN detector
2from realseries.models.sr_2 import SR_CNN
3sr_cnn = SR_CNN(model_path)
5score = sr_cnn.detect(test_data, test_label)

Indices and tables